2024 Foundation Students Transition Days

Venue:  Foundation Classroom

Dear Parents/Carers,

Your child is invited to come to St Augustine’s in Term 3 and Term 4 to start the process of transition into primary school.

Dates and times are as follows:

Term 3

Week 5 - Friday 11th August, 9:15am-10:30am

Week 7 - Friday 25th August, 9:15- 10:30am

Week 9 - Friday 8th September,9:15am-10:30am

Term 4 

Week 4 - Friday 27th October, 9am-11am

Week 6 - Friday 10th November, 9am-11am

Week 8 - Friday 24th November, 9am-1:45pm

Week 9 - Friday 1st December, 9am-1:45pm

Week 10 - Friday 8th December, 9am-1:45pm

Week 11 - Tuesday 12th December, 9-3:15 pm

which will include a Parent information session and morning tea 



Applications for 2024 Foundation enrolments and other year levels, are now open.

You can enrol online via the link below or contact the school office to receive the enrolment form and related documentation via mail or email.

Online Enrolment Form

Child's Information

Parent/Guardian's Contact details

A staff member from St Augustine's will make contact with you, as soon as possible.